Thursday, July 12, 2012


There is really only one moment that exists on Earth

It plays itself out over and over, again and again

Second by second

Chipping away at our life

So in those moments, rare as they are that I stop, sit and witness

Inhaling and exhaling one breath after another

I watch, I sense

And the living moment that is taking place around me

Exists in the presence of my being

My settled, centered, serene self

A sacred being formed from

The universal all

A human sensory mixture of woman, daughter, sister, mother, friend and beloved

I look out from the moment of now to find myself

Surrounded by other dear ones – seen and unseen

This acute realization of the calm one and only now

Spirals in through my sense of sight, sound and feeling

As my mind and heart simultaneously

Receive messages of this sacred moment

In gratitude, I’m transfixed by the

Timelessness and groundlessness I feel

In a moment of now

I continue the mundane task

Of bathing my four year old

And a calm realization enters my consciousness…

How precious is the living moment

I open up the bathtub’s drain and hear my son’s squeal of delight

And amazement

For a change, I slow down my movement and stop to sit, to witness his glee

As his toy Spiderman

Whirls with the centrifugal force of water draining

I smile and squeal

As I enter a child’s timeless living moment of now.

(Written January 9, 2005 about Aidan)

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