We live in an enchanted forest - it exists, here, now, very close by, within and around
In some place in time, it is still standing, less than an inch from this realm, even closer
Wear your favorite clothes and outfits, dress for this occasion, the celebration, the reunion, life
Don't wait - there isn't more time, or another more perfect time, there is now time
The trees are earth's lungs
They breathe for all of us, all of the time, they never take a break
They transmit life, sitting, still rooting into the ground and extending upward toward the sky
Theirs is a vertical travel
The tiniest twig joins to the deepest root
Like the first touch of another on a newborn
The first breath a babe draws into her lungs
The first out-breath into an expanding kaleidoscope of connection
St. Corona, we beseech you to bless us and keep us safe, and to help us relate to all that we are Feeling, including loneliness and fear and sadness and confusion, during this global pandemic
Help us keep a larger perspective and still have room for relating to our experience, such as it is
Revealing itself and changing, or staying the same
This virus, neither good or bad at its core, it is a life form, in the infinite stream of life forms
A life form that is changing this world, transforming busyness into simplicity confusion into clarity
A reflection of life itself
The animals have gone into council
They are meditating on human's next steps, we can hear and feel their wisdom
Our senses sometimes keep us from the reality around us, other times, our senses touch the reality
Profoundly, fearlessly, immediately
As the animals sit in council, they are meditating on humanity's next steps
Will humanity stay awake from this viral wake-up call
Or, will business as usual resume after this has passed
What are we collectively passing through - a hole or a portal
Does this depend on our perspective
Fear is a heavy anchor capable of pulling us down and centralizing us into our selves of worry
Aliveness and appreciation are also strong and reliable anchors
What is connecting us and radiating out from our centers
Humans are hard-wired to care about one another and animals and the world
It is a biology of kindness
Our society of humanity would not exist without love
Humanity, the council of animals, the council of trees, council of stones all exclaim in a language
That can be heard in the mind of goodness and the heart of genuine possibility
"Do not let yourselves be divided
Only love is real!"